• electrical bim services

Electrical BIM Services

Based on the electrical BIM Services 2D drawings inputs from electrical consultant, we generate 3D model for entire electrical BIM Services system starting from HT lines, transformer, feeder panel, meter panel, DG, cable distribution by cable trey, isolator, DB, different circuit, switch board, earthing etc. We also include electrical amenities like domestic pumping panel, fire fighting panel, elevator power supply, WTP panel, STP panel etc.

All equipment like transformers, panels, DGs, CSS, tube well, recharge well, pumping room, fire fighting panel and pump room, filtration room, WTP area etc. shall be Modeling as per the capacity and specification of the equipment.

We can provide below services as Electrical BIM Services

  • Electrical lighting fixtures Modeling
  • Modellingof cables, cable treys, switch box, conduits etc.
  • Modellingof all equipment like transformers, panels, DGs, CSS, tube well, recharge well, pumping room, fire fighting panel and pump room, filtration room, WTP area etc.
  • Generating electrical GFC drawing
  • Taking out quantities