• site supervision

Project Management Services & Contract management

This shall involve all site activities supervision including all different disciplines like civil work, flooring work, electrical work, plumbing work, aluminium work, interior work, fabrication work, HVAC work, fire fighting work, landscaping work, mechanical work, ELV line work, painting work etc to check weather the work is being carried out as per standard practicies or codal provision or standard operating procedures or not, workmanship is proper or not, things are being executed as per drawing or not. If things are not inline with these standards, get it corrected without any extra cost to the client. Site supervision shall also include the material storage methodology, house keeping and safety of the workers working for the project. If any isses related to this is found out then it shall be controlled and get it corrected from contractor. All tools and tackles required to check the different items shall be kept with the supervisor at all the time on site.

Logistic management involves close obeservation and planning of logistic movement with respect to construction acitivities and material dumping on site. This plays very crucial role from site execution management. If not planned properly than it can obstruct the material movement inside the site which can hamper the project progress and even increase the cost. Logistic shall be managed with reference to lead lift indicates in the tender documents. Access to the respective temporary storage facilities created shall be cleared so that movement is possible even during infrastructure work is in progress. No acitivities at site shall hinder the movement of logistics. Proper facilities shall be made in terms of lighting and direction even during night time.

Quality & Progress Monitoring

Quality is being checked for material supplied weather they are as per specification and brand mentioned in the agreement or not. Second is to check the workmanship of different items for different discipline which are correct and proper or not. Testing of different materials in onsite laboratory or external laboratory and system of workmanship both are included in quality monitoring. Navkar enterprise can prepared & implement Quality Management system (QMS) in any organisation as well as laboratory set up at site for checking different parameter of different items in construction.

Based on planning and scheduling of different acitivities, actual progress can be monitored and even we can identify the critical acitivities in the loop. Progress can be monitored on daily basis, weekly basis and monthly basis. This can be monitored based on the different acitivities listed down during planning of a project. We forcast the issues coming which can lead to delay in progress and project completion and discuss the matter with client and take necessary actions well in advance.

Quality Monitoring is being checked for material supplied which are as per specification and brand or not. Second is to check the workmanship of different items for different discipline which are correct and proper or not. Testing of different material and system of workmanship is also included in quality Monitoring . Navkar enterprise can implement Quality monitoring Management system in any organization as well as laboratory set up at site for checking different parameter of different items in construction.

Every call center has a experience agent/agents and he/she improve his/her performance quality on the bases of customer/customers requirements. In this platform some agent/ agents has best calls recording training software service so with help of best training recording software service any agent/agents quality Monitoring the customers need and improve the call center calls

We work like a experience call center and monitoring the all the things so customer can get the perfect solutions and if some changes need we also improve our performance and quality monitoring on the basis of customer.

If any customer can not satisfy with our performance and quality he/she wants to monitor in our area so directly contact us and directly monitoring our best recording training software service.

We also monitor the all the things and if any changes need we directly contact to customer.This research developed an BIM-based system to monitor and visualize the quality monitoring of real-time building information. Today's building are get more larger and very complex so the result of manually design of building quality Monitoring is not possible because can get the efficiency this process is such as a time-consuming. So in things situation BIM allows for rapid decision-making and evaluate.

Every business analytics person ensure that to make help in every critical situation and give the complete solutions for entire process with the standards scorecards and he/she sure about scorecard data.

Our managers evaluate all the customers need, give review about the customer problem and doing work hard give the effective news and support the customers and also supervisors work on all trends features.

An omnichannel BIM platform for distribution of product BIM objects via different important chat and voice based program and follow the various steps to create automated system using all include scoring tools and keep success with all resources.

we discussed that the Nice InContact CXOne package would increase employee productivity, complete to the score any many more


Once work is being completed, bill preparation, bill checking with respect to specification, term and condition of contract, bill audit acitivity can be taken care of. PMC shall be responsible for checking each and every items qty checking, its rates checking, contractual obligation satisfaction and panelty levied or hold amount in bill shall be properly checked. Bill checking shall be done with reference to contract agreement as well as respective items codal provision. In case of any disagreement between PMC and contractor, these codal reference can be useful to resolve it. PMC shall look after taxes part also. PMC is also responsible for resolving audit points raised by clients auditors.